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Solidarity with UMWA Miners Striking Warrior Met Coal

Statement written by the Labor Working Group and passed by the National Executive Committee February 24, 2022

The Socialist Party USA would like to express our solidarity with the 1,100 miners of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) striking against Warrior Met Coal at Brookwood, Alabama.

The miners have been on strike for ten months and counting, which is the longest strike in Alabama history. They are demanding their fair share of profits that were promised to them by Warrior Met after assuming ownership from the bankrupt previous owners.

Warrior Met is undeniably guilty of acts of violence against these workers. The strikers have bravely endured terrible abuse by Warrior Met’s vigilantes and private security companies which are attempting to break the strike and weaken the union. The State of Alabama has demonstrated its complicity in this ongoing travesty by having its state troopers escort scab labor into the mines.

Throughout the duration of the strike, the company continues to profit and provide generous compensation for company executives but refuses to provide a fair contract to the miners on strike. A labor agreement was tentatively reached in the first week but was rejected by the miners as unsatisfactory.


Alabama is a Right to Work State which is designed to weaken organized labor and restrict the ability of workers to form and join unions. Despite this, Alabama also has a proud history of union resistance against repression by corporations and the government that is being exemplified now by the brave miners. The Socialist Party honors this tradition and stands in solidarity with the workers and their families continuing the fight today.

We encourage our members and supporters to donate to the UMWA Strike Aid Fund at You can also donate to the UMWA Strike Pantry, which supporters the miners and their families with food and clothing, at

Lastly, we encourage anyone interested in joining the Socialist Party to read our Statement of Principles and apply to join today!



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