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North Jersey SP Joins Montclair Climate Strike Actions

Members of the Northern NJ Local joined two climate strike actions in Montclair NJ on September 20th. In the morning members stood in solidarity with hundreds of Montclair High School students Montclair High School students who walked out Of class FOR the Youth Climate Strike that started at Montclair High School and ended downtown with a rally.

In the evening the Northern NJ Local endorsed the Montclair Peace Vigil in Solidarity with the Climate Strike. The event was sponsored by the Montclair Peace Vigil, a project of NJ Peace Action and supported by Food and Water Action, Jewish Voices for Peace, Clean Water Action, the North Jersey SPUSA and more, and brought out more than 100 residents.

Northern NJ Local member Greg Pason helped co-MC the event, including leading the crowd in chants. Dozens of Strike Climate Change signs were distributed with the Party's #strikeclimate change hastag.

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